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What you need to know about fentanyl and kids with Haley Coles

Updated: Aug 17, 2023

Release date: August 14, 2023

Adolescence is a time of experimenting, and that experimenting sometimes involves trying illicit drugs. Unfortunately, dealers are adding fentanyl to illicit drugs, like cocaine and methamphetamine, to make them cheaper and more potent, but fentanyl also makes them more deadly. Every day in the U.S., over 150 people die from overdoses related to fentanyl. To explain what fentanyl is and what you, as people who care about kids, can to do prevent overdoses from happening, I reached out to my friend Haley Coles. Haley is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Sonoran Prevention Works and a pioneer in harm reduction. More information about Haley, Sonoran Prevention Works, and harm reduction is below.

Biography of Haley Coles

Haley Coles is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Sonoran Prevention Works. She is a born & raised Arizonan committed to achieving health equity among people impacted by drug use and drug policy. Her multiple journeys with drug use and the preventable loss of people she loved informs her personal mission to make meaningful structural change for a more just and healthy Arizona. She is an alumna of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Culture of Health Leaders program and has provided consultation for the National Association of State and Territorial AIDS Directors and the CDC. She received her BA in Creative Writing and her Nonprofit Management Certificate from Arizona State University and her MPH from University of Arizona.


Sonoran Prevention Works

Harm reduction overview




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