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How your pharmacist can help you and your kids with Stephanie Young Moss

Release date: July 17, 2023

My guest for this episode is Stephanie Young Moss. Dr. Stephanie, as she is known professionally, approached me with a unique thesis: pharmacists can help reduce healthcare disparities among families. Her education and decades of experience as a pharmacist and an activist convinced me, and I am eager for you to hear her insights as well as the advice that she, and every pharmacist, has for parents. More information about Dr. Stephanie is below.

Biography of Stephanie Young Moss

Dr. Stephanie Young Moss received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Xavier University of Louisiana College of Pharmacy and a Masters of Health Services Administration with a concentration in Health Economics from The University of Wyoming. She has worked in various areas in pharmacy, Community, Regulatory Compliance, Managed Care, and Health Economics and Outcomes Research. Over the past 20 years Dr. Moss has advocated for decreasing disparities in health care through her volunteer work. She has used her platform to educate families across the U.S. on ways to decrease and eliminate health disparities by incorporating simple wellness and mental health techniques. Dr. Moss has shared her views on international and national podcasts and local television news stations.

Dr. Stephanie is the creator of the websites and where you will find practical health and wellness tips, ways to reduce healthcare disparities and tools, tips and resources for women experiencing perimenopause and menopause. She has a community of over 100,000 people on social media.

She is also the owner of Integrative Pharmacy Outcomes and Consulting, which focuses on educating underserved communities on ways to reduce and prevent health disparities.

For nearly 2 decades, Dr. Stephanie has served on various boards and volunteer organizations that focus on health equity, decreasing implicit bias, addressing social determinants of health and empowering communities to advocate for their health. She has served on the boards for The Minority Health Coalition of Marion County and Eskenazi Health Center where she has served as the Clinical Quality Committee Chair, Board Secretary and is currently the Board Treasurer. She resides in Indianapolis, Indiana.


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