Release date: May 29, 2023
School shootings are all-too-frequently in the news. When they are, there is a good chance that my guest’s work will be cited. David Riedman is the co-founder of the K-12 School Shooting Database, which contains detailed information on all school shootings in the United States from 1970 to present. David, an expert on security and crisis management, has spent a lot of time with this information, and his conclusions about our society’s response to school shootings might surprise you. More information about David, including a link to the K-12 School Shooting Database is below.
Biography of David Riedman
David Riedman is a 2015 master’s degree graduate from the Naval Postgraduate School, conducts research on gun violence in schools, and authored multiple peer-reviewed articles on homeland security policy, critical infrastructure protection, and emergency management. He has keynoted the largest conferences for public health officials and campus security to share his research on school shootings. He served as a firefighter and emergency medical technician in Maryland for 18 years where he reached the rank of Captain.
In 2017, Mr. Riedman was selected by the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Homeland Defense and Security for the 18-month Homeland Security Advanced Thinking (HSx) program where he and his research partner created the first version of K-12 School Shooting Database as a class project. Since then, he has continued to develop the database into the most comprehensive and inclusive public source of information on gun violence at schools.
In partnership with Dr. Peterson and Dr. Densley from The Violence Project, he published and co-published multiple op-eds on school shootings in The Conversation, The Washington Post, LA Times, Star Tribune, Education Week, Sun Sentinel, and The Tennessean (USA Today). In addition to his own research and writing, the K-12 school shooting database has been used as a primary data source in 80 peer-reviewed articles and reports, and cited by more than 1,000 media outlets.
K-12 School Shooting Database